..........INNER VOICE.......
Hi I am back after soooo long..incidently after 3 months(exact)...
I am like that..have a habit of vanishing and then coming back...can be a recluse at times.
But a realisation..a story..brought my "Inner Voice" back.
What I have noticed is that there are two types of people....
1. One who find reasons to be happy and..
2. Who find reasons to crib about or be sad.
Unfortunately I am not in 1 but in a transition from 2 to 1....A recent event which caused my temperatures shooting up was the Bus facility of my company. I requested them to divert the bus's route so that it would save me about a km. of walk(its especially irritating in the evening).But the wise ol' people would not do so n had reasons obviously beyond my acceptability.
Anyhow I had to take the bus and walk daily.Everyday I would get down at my stop and while I would be halfway to my home I would curse the people who were responsible for this undesirable errand. One fine evening when I was coming back I was as usual not very happy but suddenly I saw a guy who was pulling a hand rickshaw(excuse me I dunno its name but hope u could make out what I mean)..and had put on a hearing device too. I saw this and felt pity for him. At the same time I thanked God for being able to walk on my feet.
It was an eye opener really !!. From that day on I am quite happy to walk this distance. A booster dose to that came from a story about a catholic priest from down South. He had a kidney in very bad shape and got a transplant abroad. Thereafter he came back to India but was annoyed with the chemotherapy + restrictions that followed, take 'n' number of pills everyday and limitations on physical activity n most of all speaking was restricted too. While he was unhappy bout all this, he met a poor taxi driver who he came to know had gotten a transplant of his kidney just like him. He had greater restrictions and had to take 300 Rs. of medicines each day. While he fought for his life, his daughter was diagnosed with a tumor in brain. Now a taxi driver's earnings - Rs. 300 - care for daughter..it is not difficult to imagine what life this man was living. So the priest forgot his pain and started creating a benvolence fund for this poor chap. And in the end collected a decent amount, spreading the word by mouth. Due to this exertion he lost his life but saved this family. Why I call it a booster is that it came a li'll after I had that "moment of realisation". Realisation was actually fading away slowly and walk was getting more and more tiring each passing day. Then this story happened to me and yes the dose has an effect at least till now. Let's see how long it stays.
But I just hope it would save you from cribbing about a few things in your life..C'mon cheer up..I know that roommate of yours is not co-operating and ur boss does not respect your feelings but there are people who don''t have rooms and who don't have jobs...so Njoy !!..move up to type 1..